ONEPWR SmartWash - Has Low/ No Suction

This article contains information on how to fix suction issues on the ONEPWR SmartWash.


Follow these steps if the unit has low/ no suction:

NOTE: Once the dirty water tank gets filled, the automatic shut-off is engaged and suction is lost.

  1. Turn your unit off and remove the dirty water tank. Release the tank lid and make sure is empty.
  2.  After emptying the dirty water tank, it is recommended to inspect the filter for any debris.
  3. Once the tank and filter have been cleaned, remove the nozzle from the unit by pulling up on the latch and pulling forward.Nozzle1-1
  4. Check the suction opening and clear any clogs or debris. It is recommended to clean the nozzle to maintain optimal suction power.
  5. To replace the nozzle, line up the two tabs on the base of the nozzle with those on the unit and rock the nozzle back into place.

Note: When the SmartWash is picked up or the Nozzle is not attached properly, it trips the Dirty Water Tank Float and stops the suction. Please reset the float by turning your unit off and emptying the dirty water, the float should go back to its normal position.

NOTE: If you have tried to troubleshoot and need to fill a warranty claim, please visit our Warranty Information page for more information on how to do so.