Ultra Bagged Hand Vac - Brush roll not spinning

This article contains information on how to fix brush roll issues on your Ultra Bagged Hand Vac

Follow these steps to fix brushroll issues on your hand vac

  1.  Grasp side of rotating cover and gently pull out and off

  2. Remove ONE Phillips screw (as noted by arrow on side of housing) to release nozzle plug. Slide nozzles plug down and out.

  3. Remove TWO Phillips screws on end cap.
  4. Remove belt from motor shaft.

  5. Lift off endcap and pull brush roll out of nozzle cavity

  6. Once the brush roll is removed, clear any tangles or debris. Then, slip belt around brush and drop brush into nozzle cavity. Line up end of brush with inside of end cap and secure with two screws.
  7. Once the belt and brush roll are back in place, replace end cap and secure the screws

TIP: We recommend spinning your brush roll and belt by hand to ensure they are placed correctly.

CAUTION: If you've tried all and the brush roll is not working, contact our customer service team for more assistance.