Cordless StickVac - Brush roll is not spinning

This article contains all the steps necessary to fix suction issues with your stick vac.


This article contains all the steps necessary to fix Brush roll issues with your vacuum

NOTE: If your brush roll is clogged or tangled the automatic shut-off will activate.                        Remove any debris and tangles then resume cleaning.
NOTE: Your thermal protector may have been activated. A thermal protector has been designed 
            into your cleaner to protect it from overheating.
                       1. Turn the cleaner OFF and unplug it. 
                       2. Empty the dirt cup, and clean the nozzle, the filter, and the air path                                    connector points.
                       3. After 30 minutes, once the unit is cleaned resume cleaning
 For more information on how to clean the unit visit here.

Follow these steps to fix your brush roll:

  1. To remove the brush roll, using a coin or your fingers turn the burhs roll lock counterclockwise to release the brush.
  2. Pull the brush roll out, cut any tangled hair, and clean any debris causing the brush roll to stall. Make sure to clean the end caps and inside the housing of the nozzle.
  3. Lastly, re-fit the brush roll into the nozzle and make sure is properly aligned with the end caps, then lock the brush roll by rotating the lock.

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WARNING: If you notice a burnt smell, your belt may be damaged. Please contact customer service