Air Purifier - Not filtering/ working right

This article contains all the steps necessary to fix issues with your Air purifier.

Misc InfoWD10100_ATF_4_CleanAir

Follow these step to fix filtering issues.

NOTE: The user will experience an increase in noise coming from the unit once the filter is dirty. You will also notice the change filter icon on the screen.Filter icon

  1. To replace the filter, flip your unit upside down to access the filter. 
  2. Twist to the left to unlock the bottom plate and lift it up and out of the unit. Clear out any debris and tap the filter on a trash can to dust it out.
  3. Install the new filter and twist it to lock the unit. Once replaced you will have to reset the filter icon by pressing and holding the night light button until the icon disappears
    Lock bottomFilter-Jun-11-2024-07-22-43-7274-PM

TIP: Filters new to be changed every 5-6 months